"A Couple of Blaguards" is a two-character comedy with incidental music, created by the brothers Frank McCourt and Malachy McCourt. These master raconteurs have laced their combined experiences growing up in Ireland, and their escape to America into a vaudeville of comedy, Irish songs and a gallery of relatives, rogues, fools and petty tyrants -- priestly and otherwise.
- Lynne Heffley, Los Angeleles Times
The brothers McCourt bring their two bestselling books to the stage... the show has a roguish appeal" - Peter Marks, The New York Times
"A Couple of Blaguards" with Howard Platt and Jarlath Conroy as the lads, is so funny and plays well in the mind's eye that it isn't until you're half-way out the door that you realize how tough and unsentimental it is. The boys have seen so much that there can be no more tears: All that's left to do really is laugh and keep moving. - Lawrence Christon, Variety
Howard Platt and Jarlath Conroy
The schoolmaster, Mr. Glynn, instructs Frank McCourt in the Seven Deadly Sins.
Malachy McCourt smuggles gold bars into India. Haaji Khan sets up the deal.